2005 Haiwan Best Ripe Pu-erh Tea "Yu Shan" Cake 200g

Net Weight

200g / piece


Ripe / Fermented Pu-erh Tea


June 2005


Haiwan Tea Industrial Co.,Ltd.

Production Area


This is the best Pu-erh cake tea produced by Haiwan Tea Factory. Smooth, mellow, sweet. Using high mountain tea plant tea bud as raw material. Tea base is very good. Collector's best choice. Aged in dry warehouse for several years already.


Recommendation Rank: ★★★★


How to prepare compressed Pu-erh tea in a Congou style?


Step 1: Pry 3-5g tea off with Pu-erh Knife and add tea leaves to a Yixing teapot or Gaiwan.

Step 2: Pour boiling water into the teapot, give the tea leaves a rinse for 20 seconds. Then draining the water out, leaving only the soaked tea leaves

Step 3: Fill the teapot with boiling water again, cover the lid. After steeping 20 seconds or longer (according to your desired strength), the tea can be poured into a tea pitcher to be served.

Step 4: repeat Step 3 for several times. Gradually increase steeping time for subsequent brewing.